Eel Export Expected to Earn More than US$ 30 Million in FY 2013/2014

Eel export is expected to earn more than US$ 30 million in the FY 2013/2014, says Department of Fisheries.
“We have expected more than US$ 30 million of export earnings this year. Eel export has earned more than US$ 18 million within four months from April to July. If we proceed to export it, earnings of eel export this year can outpace those last year,” said an official of Department of Fisheries in Yangon Region.
That more than US$ 18 million have been earned by eel export during 4 months in this fiscal year means over 60 percent of eel earmarked for export has been delivered abroad, he added.

It is learnt that many tons of eel export through 105 mile border trade route had earned nearly US$ 48 million that exceeded US$ 25 million of the expected earnings in the FY 2011/2012, which broke the record during the seven years at that time.
Being in demand, eel still fetches more than K6,000 per viss, a good price in spite of being in season and prices are likely to rise in October when it is out of season, said an eel breeder.
There are a little test breeding of eel at home and it is naturally caught to mainly export it to China through border trade camps such as Muse and Chin Shwe Haw, it is heard.
Eel breeders are currently discussing exporting with entrepreneurs from Singapore and Korea so that they can extend their eel export into other foreign countries in addition to China, says the information released by Eel Entrepreneurs Association.
Eel being exported to China the most comes from the upcountry regions such as Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway and Bago.
While ell export is currently in the top position of the list of export earnings in exporting fishery products for the current fiscal year as 60 percent of eel export tons expected to earn more than US$ 30 million has been delivered, freshwater fish export is the last there because only 22 percent of its export tons earmarked for US$ 120 million could be freighted, according to Department of Fisheries in Yangon Region.
