Myanmar to promote tourist sector with Japan

Myanmar Ministry of Hotels and Tourism will promote tourist sector with Japan aimed at boosting bilateral relation between the two countries, local media reported Monday.

Traditional cultural heritage plays an important role in promoting tourist sector of the two countries, the Daily Eleven quoted Myanmar Minister for Culture U Aye Myint Kyu as saying.

At present, only 10,000 Japanese travelers have visited Myanmar and up to as many as one million are expected in the future through promotion of tourist, he said.

Meanwhile, three ancient Pyu cities of Beikthano, Hanlin and Tharekhittra have been submitted for inclusion in UNESCO's World Heritage List.

Under cultural exchange program between two countries, many Japanese language schools have been opened in the country while hand-woven clothes by lily from Inlay lake were introduced to Japan.

Myanmar and Japan have been cooperating closely in the culture sector, launching Japanese culture shows made up of Japanese traditional song and dance, Japanese traditional life style and stories. 

Source: Xinhua
